The work of ushering in a Just Transition for philanthropy requires a fundamental shift in worldview about risk, return, and fiduciary responsibility, as well as a fundamental reimagination about the role of the philanthropic sector in advancing transformative social change and economic systems change.
Sustaining this radical vision in the current political moment – of upending the status quo structures and practices of philanthropy that constrain it from being a true force for change – will require intentional, coordinated and wide-scale organizing within the philanthropic sector in solidarity with movements for justice and liberation.
Whether you work for/with a grantmaking institution or philanthropic support organization and are seeking to transform foundation practices, or you are an individual with access to wealth seeking to redistribute resources to build the regenerative economy, or you are an investment advisor, asset manager or impact investment fund seeking to redirect investment capital away from Wall Street and into local solidarity economy institutions, everyone has a role to play in ushering a Just Transition for philanthropy.
Regardless of your role, being part of political homes – to work in collective structures and take collective action in support of the movements we resource – is now more important than ever.
We invite you into the political home we are building by becoming a member of the Justice Funders Network.
As a Justice Funders Network member, you will be a core partner in our work, and will be part of a community of like-minded and like-hearted people who want to do the deep and radical work of redistributing resources to movements in reparative ways, shifting power, and transforming ourselves in the process.
What sets Justice Funders membership apart is that we strive to be movement accountable, rather than “philanthropy-serving.” We are funder organizers, committed to a practice of building relationships and leadership to shift power, structures and cultures within philanthropy to advance a Just Transition by turning extracted resources into resources for the regenerative economy.
Paying dues is first and foremost an expression of political commitment to the work. Through your membership dues, you provide sustained, unrestricted financial support for our work of radical imagination, of creating beloved community, of offering transformative spaces where we unlearn stories we have been told and create new understandings, where we collectively usher a regenerative future into being.
As a member of the Justice Funders Network, you also…
- Find your people: Become part of a deeply connected community of like-minded and like-hearted people working to advance a Just Transition in and through philanthropy
- Further your engagement: Experience opportunities to grow as a donor/funder organizer, connect directly with thought leaders and movement leaders, lead Justice Funders programming, and be an ambassador of our shared vision and work
- Fuel the change: Take collective action as part of a powerful organizing base that is transforming the philanthropic sector