Justice Funders is a partner and guide for philanthropy to reimagine practices that advance a just and thriving world. Guided by the vision for a Just Transition, we believe that to be effective institutional philanthropy cannot be constrained by practices that uphold the accumulation of wealth, power, or perpetuate inequality. Responding to the needs of both movements and the philanthropic sector, we support individual, organizational, and field-wide transformation in service to this vision.
If the purpose of the extractive economy is the privatization and control of land, resources, and decision-making, then the purpose of status quo philanthropy is to maintain current systems that concentrate wealth and power. Moving towards regenerative world-building begins by redefining the purpose of the economy to center ecological and social well-being, compelling philanthropy to assume the purpose of redistribution, rematriation, and reparations so that philanthropic institutions can become powerful agents of change that center BIPOC-led democratic structures grounded in consent, cooperation, and care; and be part of building governing structures that can smoothly support the regenerative futures that movements are building.
This new program offering from Justice Funders will support foundations who want to explore creating a legacy of turning extracted resources into resources for the regenerative economy through spending out, spending down, spending up to communities, sunsetting the current practices of how wealth is stewarded and governed.