Just Transition Investing Academy

A growing number of social justice movement leaders and philanthropic allies are sounding the alarm about the harmful ways in which foundations typically manage their endowments: in 2020, the amount of assets that U.S.-based foundations collectively invested in extractive global financial markets was 13 times more than they disbursed in grants.

A Just Transition from our current extractive, profit-driven, capitalist economic system toward a more regenerative economy requires foundations to do more than mobilize grant dollars to organizing and movement-building efforts to advance societal transformation. A Just Transition also requires foundations to divest their assets from the dominant financial system and redirect that capital into community-controlled institutions and activities that build economic power and self-determination in BIPOC communities, thereby reducing their reliance on philanthropy over the long term. This is the vision that Justice Funders and our movement partners have articulated in the Just Transition Investment Framework.

Unfortunately, the field of investing is rife with gatekeeping, including confusing and inaccessible terminology and concepts that prevent values-aligned philanthropy professionals from questioning the status quo. Those working in philanthropic institutions who lack formal training in finance often face barriers to initiating conversations with their institution’s investment officers, executive leadership, and trustees about re-imagining their investment strategies.

The Just Transition Investing Academy (JTIA) is a new program offering from Justice Funders to support philanthropy professionals – especially those in programmatic and grantmaking departments of institutions that manage an endowment – who want to deepen their practical and conceptual investment knowledge and explore the transformative potential of applying a Just Transition lens to investment portfolios. Throughout the program, participants will engage with foundational and advanced-level frameworks, texts, and case studies to learn more about the current state of foundation investing and identify opportunity gaps to introduce Just Transition principles and values to their own foundation’s investment practices.


  • Gain knowledge, skills, and confidence to influence how institutions’ endowments are invested
  • Build relationships between/among individuals of philanthropic institutions working to transform their institution’s investment practices to align with the values and principles of Just Transition
  • Create opportunities for multiple stakeholders across institutions to learn with and from each other, share tools and resources, and be in practice together


The focus areas are informed by our work with multiple stakeholders activating a JT in their respective institutions, such as:

  • History of philanthropy
  • Power-mapping of philanthropic institutions
  • Resonance, Just Transition, and Just Transition Investment Frameworks
  • Foundational investing terminology & Just Transition investing definitions
  • Understanding False Solutions: Impact & ESG Investing
  • Investment Policy Statements (IPS)
  • Investing in regenerative economic projects


6 Weeks of Instruction (Note: all sessions will take place 10 am – 1 pm Pacific):
Week 1: April 1 & 3
Week 2: April 8 & 11
Week 3: April 15 & 18
Week 4: April 22 & 25
Week 5: April 29 & May 1
Week 6: May 6 & 8

Intensive Coaching Session:
June 3-18 (participants choose 1 hour during this time frame)


Regular: $2,500.00 per participant
Solidarity: $3,500.00 per participant

Payments: Payment may be made in one or two installments, payable via ACH, check, or credit card.
Discounts: $250 discount for Justice Funders Network Organizational Members.