Justice Funders' training series covers the fundamentals of philanthropic transformation using various movement principles and tools.
Fundamentals Trainings
“Thank you for offering these sessions. I was becoming disillusioned with work, and these sessions gave me hope for the future of philanthropy.” – Spring 2024 training participant
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Justice Funders is pleased to offer our Fundamentals Training series again this Fall. These workshops provide interactive and dynamic opportunities to explore the concepts, frameworks, and values central to transforming philanthropy away from preserving institutional wealth, and towards building the economic power of frontline communities.
We encourage participants to attend the entire series, but registration for individual trainings is also available. Participants who successfully complete all four fundamental trainings will receive a certificate recognizing their commitment to activating movement principles in philanthropy.
The intended audience for the trainings is staff of philanthropic institutions. We also request that no more than 3 staff from each institution enroll in each training. If more than 3 staff are interested in a particular training, please contact Justice Funders’ Consulting team for more information.
Space is limited. Deadline to register is a week prior to each training. Trainings will not be recorded and recordings will not be available for purchase. Please email trainings@justicefunders.org if you have any questions.
If you would like to be added to Justice Funders’ newsletter to learn more about upcoming trainings and other resources, please sign up here.
Training #1: Stifled Generosity – History of Philanthropy
Monday, September 9, 2024; 1-4pm ET
“Know whence you came. If you know whence you came, there is really no limit to where you can go.” – James Baldwin
This training will trace the history of institutional philanthropy in the United States, from which current extractive philanthropic practices are derived, to understand how inequity has been built into the sector. Considering the cultural “source codes” of philanthropy will provide the grounding for participants to consider a more just and thriving world and to explore how we can be effective change agents within our institutions. During this interactive and participatory training, we will discuss: What will it take to get to transformation? How might we redistribute wealth, democratize power and shift economic control to communities for the good of the whole?
Training #2: Resonance 2.0 – Movement Principles for Philanthropy
Thursday, September 19, 2024; 1-4pm ET | Registration Deadline: September 12, 2024
With the Just Transition principles and framework as our guide, it is up to each of us to find our paths towards building the regenerative economy. We will provide an overview of Justice Funders’ framework: Resonance 2.0, an updated guide for philanthropy’s role in the Just Transition. Through a series of exercises and small group discussions, participants will explore how foundations are redistributing resources for the regenerative economy. Grounding in movement visions, participants will explore how to stay in alignment with movement goals.
Training #3: Introduction to Just Transition Investing
Thursday, October 3, 2024; 1-4pm ET | Registration Deadline: September 26, 2024
A Just Transition requires divestment from the dominant financial system and redirecting that capital into community-controlled institutions and activities that build the self-determination of frontline BIPOC communities and decrease reliance on philanthropy over the long term. Building on the Resonance Framework, this training will introduce the concept of Just Transition Investing by specifically exploring and playing with the core principles of the Just Transition Investment Framework. We will discuss emergent strategies philanthropic institutions can activate to create a fresh vision and direction that no longer maximizes foundation profits nor preserves institutional wealth, but instead shifts capital and power to build the economic power of our frontline communities. This intro-level training will serve as a foundational building block for our upcoming 2025 program dedicated to equipping foundation staff with tools, strategies, and knowledge applied in investing spaces to champion a Just Transition.
Training #4: Just Transition & Untethered Imagination
Wednesday, October 23, 2024; 1-4pm ET | Registration Deadline: October 16, 2024
In this training, we will introduce the Just Transition framework – a unifying set of principles, processes and practices that build economic and political power to shift from an extractive economy to a regenerative economy.* Effective exploration of the various paths towards a regenerative economy requires us to consider new approaches, solutions, and ways of engaging with the world. Justice Funders refers to this set of skills and practices as “untethered imagination.” In this participatory training, we will explore the power and potential untethered imagination has to enable us to envision the changes needed to achieve liberation.
*Definition adapted from Movement Generation’s description of the Just Transition.
Note on Accessibility
We will be using auto-generated closed captioning in English. Please let us know other accessibility needs you have to support your full participation.