"A place where we ideate, practice, and build futures we believe in, finding alignment with those we are in accountable relationships with, and growing that alignment through organizing and education." adrienne marie brown


The Justice Funders Network (JFN) is a national network for learning and action.

Formerly the Bay Area Justice Funders Network (BAJFN), JFN membership is open to anyone working in philanthropy who is committed to a vision of a Just Transition and building towards regenerative practices that redistribute wealth, democratize power and shift economic control to communities. Read more about Justice Funders’ evolution here.

Justice Funders strives to be movement accountable, rather than “philanthropy-serving.” We are funder organizers, committed to a practice of building relationships and leadership to shift power, structures and cultures within philanthropy to advance a Just Transition by turning extracted resources into resources for the regenerative economy.

As a member of the Justice Funders Network, you… 

  • Find your people: Become part of a political home for people & institutions within the philanthropic ecosystem working to align their practices with the vision and values of Just Transition
  • Fund the work: Provided sustained financial support for the important work of convening and building the capacity of funder organizers to advance a Just Transition for Philanthropy
  • Fuel the change: Take collective action as part of a powerful organizing base that is transforming the philanthropic sector

How to Join

The primary form of membership is organizational. Individual memberships are reserved for individuals who belong to organizations who either do not support organizational membership, or are individual donors or philanthropic consultants.

Organizational Memberships with current dues are eligible for program fee discounts; individual Memberships do not enjoy program fee discounts.

Please complete the form below to join as a member of the Justice Funders Network. At the end of the form you can choose to pay online with a credit card (for individual membership) or request an invoice (for organizational membership).

Please note that we are currently building out new membership tiers for 1) individuals with access to wealth, and 2) investment advisors, asset managers and impact investment funds. For more information on these emergent membership tiers, please email our Senior Director of Member Organizing, Sasha Russell-Ciardi, at sasha [at] justicefunders [dot] org.

The new membership tier structure has been updated as of Spring 2024.

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Step 3: Review & Confirm
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