What is a Justice Funder?

A field-wide conversation we began to identify the values and practices of justice funders.  We found some inspiration, stimulation, and provocation that helped to generate content for The Choir Book: A Framework for Social Justice Philanthropy.

What is a justice funder? Could it possibly be me?
A Decade After Katrina, Can Philanthropy Make Black Lives Matter?
Year 1: Spiritual Survival as a Funder
Taking on Wedge Politics
What Funders Can Learn from Beyonce
Planting Seeds
Grantmaking as an Ally
So You Want to Be a "Radical" Philanthropist?
Learning From Lia's Legacy
Justice Is A Verb
Nurturing the Seed of Systemic Change
Embodying Justice
Justice Funders Are Ethical Leaders
What is a Justice Funder? You know it when you feel it.
Organizing Within Philanthropy
The F-word: tackling the issue that keeps social justice leaders up at night
The Flow of Excellence
Skinned Knees: Practicing Social Justice Funding
Re-Defining What it Means to be a Justice Funder
Increasing Participation, Diversity and Leadership in Philanthropy
Who Wins? Who Loses? Who Decides?
Funding Social Justice – An Opportunity and a Responsibility
Top 10 on Capacity Building & Integrated Voter Engagement
Better and Stronger Together: A Conversation About Being Justice Funders
No More Fake Funder Budgets!
Two Elements of Justice Funding
Towards a Beloved Community
Four Suggestions for Social Justice Funders
What is a Justice Funder?